

Daintree, Lelystad

Birdielaan 102 Lelystad 8241AW Flevoland
8241AW Lelystad
Website: http://www.daintreerainforest.com
Lelystad, Flevoland


The original daintree tourism website. This spectacular region is a must on any visitor s northern itinerary so don t rush. the world heritage listed daintree rainforest is an emerald set in tropical far north queensland australia. Allow yourself time to explore at nature s pace!Daintree Village once the heart of the timber industry nestles in a bend of the Daintree River where cruise boats glide between the jungle homes of birds animals and reptiles including large crocodiles and pythons. A naturalist s paradise this region is recognised for its superb wildlife.And eco-tourism operators provide itineraries offering fascinating insights into the creatures that inhabit this remote and beautiful river system. From the river s ferry crossing the coastal road continues north over tidal rivers and creeks and through small settlements to the renown wilderness areas of Cape Tribulation and Bloomfield Falls.A haven for those wishing to pursue an alternative lifestyle the freedom untouched beauty and relaxing style of this region attracts nature lovers and backpackers seeking the perfect holiday escape.World Heritage reef and rainforest come together along this section of the northern coast - nowhere else are these two natural wonders side by side and so accessible to travellers.Between the Daintree and Bloomfield Rivers the forest slopes of Cape Tribulation National Park plunge to the waters of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park where fringing reefs grow almost to the seashore. The mystical lowland rainforest here is a rare survivor of 100 million years of climatic changes.The present reef system began growing above the remains of much older reefs when sea levels rose at the end of the last Ice Age. Beyond the islands formed from the peaks of flooded mountains and the cays created by wave action is the almost unbroken outer coral barrier of the Ribbon Reefs..


  • Cape tribulation
  • Daintree rainforest operator login

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Birdielaan    102 Lelystad 8241AW Flevoland, Lelystad

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